Your web developer needs be able to update your Share Buttons, but doesn’t need to access Content Analytics reports. Your social media manager needs to be able to tweak Related Content settings, but doesn’t need to access Ad Earnings. Your WordPress consultancy client needs to access their site analytics, but you don’t want them to access any of the technical settings.
All common scenarios.
Introducing Shareaholic Teams
Today we are introducing Shareaholic Teams so that many members of a team can work together to manage a website, each with different levels of access, without sharing a login.
You can now group organization members into teams that reflect your company or project structure with cascading access permissions.
So if you are a small business owner working on growing your website, a client working with a developer (or vice versa), or even just a group of friends that need to collaborate on a website, your life is now easier!
Starting today, Shareaholic Teams is available to all Shareaholic Business plan customers.