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April showers bring May flowers – and some pretty cool data on browser market share based on Shareaholic’s publisher network. Today we bring you a breakdown of the top browsers that sent traffic to more than 200,000 publishers who reach more than 250 million people each month through Shareaholic’s content sharing tools.
First up, here is a breakdown of the top 5 browsers for April 2012 as compared to March 2012.
Chrome is taking names with more than 29% of the market share, providing with Google with an edge on data. Internet Explorer holds the number 2 spot with a little more than 24%, down slightly from March. The big story for last month? Mobile traffic is up and up. Safari, which accounts for iPhone traffic, and Android, both show significant growth. On the heels of a $1 billion acquisition for mobile photo sharing service Instagram by Facebook, all signs continue to indicate that mobile is the future.
A comparison to last April offers even more perspective.
Last April, Internet Explorer held the #1 spot, but has significantly lost market share to Chrome. Firefox was previously at #2 with more than 30% of the traffic, but now sends just over 23%. The explosive story of growth is seen by Android, who owned less than 1% of the market share last year but now dominates more than 3.4% of the market. For context, out of the traffic sent by more than 200,000 websites, 3.4% is many many pageviews. This growth is noteworthy.
For your own website, you can see what browsers are sending you traffic in Google Analytics under Audience/Technology/Browser & OS. It’s important to consider which browsers you must optimize your design for!
What traffic trends have you noticed this month? Let us know in the comments!
Is this report out-of-date? Review our recent published studies. Questions? Reach us at press@shareaholic.com.