Yesterday, we released some groundbreaking news: in August, Pinterest beat out Yahoo! to become the fourth largest traffic source in the world. As a blogger, you already may have drunk the Kool-Aid and started promoting your own content through Pinterest, but have you made your blog Pin-friendly? By integrating Pinterest into your blog layout, you’ll get more traffic to your blog. Here are our four favorite plugins to integrate Pinterest into your blog or website:
1. Shareable Images to “Pin” Images Directly
If you’re already taking the time to include photos on your blog to make it more shareable, make sure to include an easy way for your readers to share them directly from your site. This button sits on top of your images as a clear CTA to pin to Pinterest. When users hover over your image, this button appears. The best part about this feature is that it pulls the description of the image and links to the post automatically in the pin—taking out a step for your readers.
2. Pinterest Gallery in Sidebar
This plugin lets you show your readers that you’re on Pinterest rather than telling them. The Pinterest Pinboard Widget shows your nine most recent pins with a link at the bottom to your Pinterst profile. I like this plugin because it uses the images to attract you, not a huge logo screaming “PINTEREST!” so that it’s easy to fit in with any blog theme.
Get the Pinterest Pinboard Widget here.
3. Pinterest Follow Buttons
Get the Pinterest Follow Button.
4. Pinterest Social Sharing Buttons
Even if your posts aren’t photo-driven, people will still want to share your posts with Pinterest. Make sure to include Pinterest in your social sharing buttons so they don’t have to go through a roundabout way to post. We’re a little partial to Shareaholic—we have a ton of customization options with our three styles of social sharing buttons that look great with your blog design. Bonus: with our social sharing buttons, you get free Shareaholic Analytics to track your success with Pinterest.
These are just a few ways to make it easy integrate your Pinterest page with WordPress. Comment below with some of your favorite Pinterest integration tips!
Get social sharing, related content and content analytics tools all in one plugin with Shareaholic for WordPress.