This blog post was originally posted on the SexyBookmarks’ blog. Shareaholic has since taken over the responsibility for the continued development and improvement of SexyBookmark publisher plugins!

Call the Orkin Man!


So here we go again with more bugs to squash… This is just a quick update to let you all know what bugs I know about so far. If you have found other bugs besides these, please use the form provided and submit them to me ASAP so I can start working on them.

  1. Blog name showing up on each post

  2. Stumbleupon and Yahoo icons not being displayed when using manual mode

  3. RSS and Email links not being displayed when using manual mode

  4. Bugs with the email link causing content to display weirdly

  5. Twitter status message not being encoded properly

Stay tuned for more updates regarding bug reports/fixes as time goes on! I’ll also be releasing bug reports individually as they come in from now on. This will help you to stay informed quicker whenever a bug is reported and help to avoid duplicate bug reports. I will also post a temporary fix for each bug as they are reported (if one is available) so that you won’t have to wait for the next update to fix the problem.

** Please note that any temporary bug fix will be offered “as is” with no guarantees that it will work for each and every possible scenario. I also will not be offering additional support in regards to implementing the temporary solutions so as to give me more time to implement the permanent solution and release the bug fixes sooner

The information published on this blog is free for your use with appropriate attribution to Shareaholic. We welcome your feedback, suggestions, and questions. Please contact us. Additionally, all photos that appear on this site are copyrighted by their respective owners. If you own the rights to any of the images and do not wish for them to appear here please contact us and the images will be promptly removed.

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