This blog post was originally posted on the SexyBookmarks’ blog. Shareaholic has since taken over the responsibility for the continued development and improvement of SexyBookmark publisher plugins!
That’s about the only word I can think of to accurately describe how I feel about the rate at which this plugin is really taking off! Many thanks to everyone who’s using it, and thanks to everyone who keeps me informed of bugs I may have missed. I also want to thank all of you who have voiced your ideas for making the plugin better. In fact, I’ve been collecting your feature requests and I’ve got a list put together of features that I am going to work on integrating into v2. (see below)
Add MySpace
Add Facebook
Add Mixx
Add custom function so the menu can be inserted ANYWHERE in your theme
Add ability to choose URL shortening service
That’s it for now…
I’m sure that there will inevitably be more feature requests as time goes on. In fact, I certainly HOPE there is as that’s how the plugin will evolve and get better over time. So stay tuned and I’ll start hammering out some of these requests as quickly as possible. I’ll post an update here on the site each time I release a new feature or batch of features… So subscribe to the RSS feed to stay up to date!