On October 1, the ever-popular Thesis framework will relaunch a completely new, vastly-improved framework. That’s awesome. But you know what’s even more awesome? We’re partnering with our friends at AppSumo to give away 2 copies of Thesis to 2 lucky Shareaholic publishers!
First things first. The all new Thesis from the good folks at DIY Themes.
All the details you need are in their teaser post, which explains the details of this drag-and-drop system that enables publishers to manage the design of their sites without being limited by their knowledge of code.
This is a great fit for Shareaholic publishers.
I’m really excited about this because I can certainly relate to this feeling from a user perspective, so I think this is a great fit for many of our publishers. As the creators of an easy-to-implement plugin, it’s an approach we can get behind. Many of our publishers got into blogging because they are passionate about things like fitness, food, crafting, or marketing – not because they are super passionate about building websites. (Like this guy, this guy, this guy, and this guy.) Our publishers are experts in those other things, and they hired a consultant or work with a department of people who are experts with code. I like that Thesis helps these people work independently to manage design elements of their sites. It helps them and their teams move faster.
Here are some of the highlights of what you can expect from the Thesis crew and why this is especially great for Shareaholic publishers.
1. Thesis Skins and Thesis Skins Editor
With Thesis Skins and the Thesis Skins Editor, you can manage design without having to dig through lots of cryptic code. This makes design changes easier than ever – whether you’re a developer or really more of a content creator.
2. Thesis Boxes
Again, no need to hassle with template files and dig through a ton of code when activating plugins. Thesis boxes are drag and drop functionality, enabling you to activate and adjust the settings of plugins like Shareaholic. Everything is point-and-click right in the Thesis Theme Editor.
3. Thesis Packages
Essentially, Thesis Packages enable you to deploy pretty complicated CSS without having to write any CSS. Again, the offers the customization options that even a sophisticated designer will want, but also enables a non-coder to make the tweaks to his or her own website. It’s the best of both worlds.
We’re Giving It Away for FREE
Holy cats. 2 Shareaholic publishers will win the new Thesis!
Plus, our friends at App Sumo are offering a pretty impressive deal on Thesis 2.0 right now. You can get the Developer’s option for just $167 plus lots of bonus skins – that’s $33 less than the regular price. They’ve got all the details on their site, along with an interview with Thesis creator Chris Pearson.
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
Are you looking forward to the new Thesis theme? Let us know in the comments.
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