The holiday season is approaching quickly, and it’s that time again to dust off, update, and share those online wish lists with friends and family. Ps. where did 2009 go?!


Here is a checklist for helping your family and friends select the right gifts for you:

  • 1. Sign up for a wish listing service – There are many (free) services available like Amazon Wish Lists and Kaboodle that make it easy for you to create and maintain wish lists.
  • 2. Fill your wish list with stuff you want – As you surf the web and come across items that you want — add them to your wish list. You can use Shareaholic to do this quickly + easily. Shareaholic already supports and works with many popular wish list services, including Amazon’s.
  • 3. Update your contact information (physical mailing address) – Do make sure you update your contact and shipping information so gifts reach you on-time and don’t end up with some stranger!
  • 4. Share your wish list – Make sure friends and family know you have a wish list. Share your wish list with friends and family via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, delicious, etc. Remember, by sharing you’re also making their lives easier by telling them exactly what you want! Just be reasonable when picking stuff for your list :)

Image Credit: mpie (flickr)

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