Google Web Fonts offers more than 500 free, open-source fonts that are easy to embed right into the CSS of your website. For an even simpler solution, the Google Web Fonts WordPress plugin makes it easy to alter your theme and add your favorite Google Web Fonts to it.
Clearly, not all fonts were created equal. To help you weed through the crowd while finding the best Google font for your site, there’s this great Google Web Fonts selection and frequently updated Github repo to show you the best. For our part, here are 15 Google Web Fonts we think are worth exploring, displayed in the best way possible – through Steve Jobs’ best quotes.
1. Montserrat
2. Anton
3. Troochi
4. Shadows Into Light
5. PT Mono
6. Open Sans
7. Paytone One
8. Tulpen One
9. Qwigley
10. Abril Fatface
11. Lobster
12. Ultra
13. Krona One
14. Six Caps
15. Sail
What are your favorite Google Web Fonts? Obsessed with another kind of font and don’t see it here? Let us know in the comments.