You Earned It!
Across Shareaholic’s Site Monetization Tools and Applications, we want the information you need to track your site’s performance right at your fingertips.
That is why we are proud to announce that your earnings from the Affiliate Links App are now intuitively displayed right alongside your Related Content and Display Ads earnings.
Export the data you pull for a given site, directly to a .CSV file at the click of a button.
And now, you can track your earning trends easily, across each of your sites, all in one place. Select the past 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or any custom date-range that you would like to display.
Should you have any questions about the new dashboard, be sure to check out our related Helpdesk article here, feel free to contact us, or Tweet @ShareaholicHELP directly, during our New Support Team Twitter Office Hours.