This blog post was originally posted on the SexyBookmarks’ blog. Shareaholic has since taken over the responsibility for the continued development and improvement of SexyBookmark publisher plugins!
You can all put your torches and pitchforks away now, as I’ve finally released v2.6.1 of SexyBookmarks! This version fixes all of the bugs that were brought about by the previous 2.6.0 release, while still keeping all of the features from that release.
API, oh sweet fleeting API…
I also made it a point to ensure that the hundreds of you who have emailed me with bug reports about SexyBookmarks giving you an error that reads:
An unknown http error occured during the API request
…now have no reason to pin that WordPress error on SexyBookmarks from here on out. I’ve removed any and all API requests from the plugin, so there CAN’T be anyway that it could possibly give you that error now. This is a twofold benefit for most of you, as this means there will no longer be any sort of update reminders, whether in the plugin options page or not.
Already found a bug…
As with any new release, I’m bound to miss something here and there… Thankfully, someone alerted me to this error quickly after I released this latest version. So now I can post up a temporary solution until I have enough bugs to warrant another release.
The problem lies in the function which fetches the short URL for Twitter. I goofed and didn’t think to check for the use of Twitter Friendly Links when I added a fix by Gautam Gupta, so if you choose the Twitter Friendly Links plugin as your URL shortener, they’re not going to work in this version. Instead, it will simply use the permalink.
There is, however, a solution to the problem that doesn’t require much in the way of coding skills. Just follow the directions below and you should be good to go.
Login to your site via FTP
Navigate to wp-content/plugins/sexybookmarks/includes
Locate the file public.php and open it in your preferred text editor
Scroll down to line 246
This line should look like this:
$fetch_url = sexy_get_fetch_url();
Now simply replace that line with the following:
// Fix for faulty insertion of TFLP function above if($sexy_plugopts['shorty'] == "tflp" && function_exists('permalink_to_twitter_link')) { $fetch_url = permalink_to_twitter_link($perms); } else { $fetch_url = sexy_get_fetch_url(); }
Save your changes
Upload the file back to your server