Shareaholic for WordPress is used all over the world. Our goal is to support Shareaholic in the native language of all our users and people who want to use our products.
We would appreciate your help in translating Shareaholic into even more languages! It doesn’t take much to get started.
If you can help, please translate the 11 text strings listed below into your language and post them either in the comments below or send them to us via email to Don’t forget to include your name so we can credit you!
“Post to “:”Añadirlo a “,
“Add to “:”Añadirlo a “,
“Submit to “:”Enviar a “,
“Share on “:”Compartir con “,
“Print with “:”Impresión con “,
“Post on “:”Añadirlo a “,
“Suggest this article to “:”Sugiere este artículo a “,
“Shorten URL with “:”Acortar URL con “,
“Push this on “: “Pulse este en “,
“Bookmark on “: “?”,
“Send via “: “?”