Each week, the blogosphere is full of fantastic tips on how you can create shareable content. Here are the top tips we learned that will get your content creation started on the right foot this week.
1. Know your “schtick.”
There’s a ton of content being created, and you need to find your own way to stand out. Don’t try to be all things to all people. Find your own unique angle and value proposition, and use that as your center point from which all your content ideas come from.
Learn more: 5 Essential Qualities of Growing Your Blog Quickly in a Crowded Niche
2. Spend 80% of your time crafting your title and 20% of your time on the rest of your content.
To suggest that 80% of the success of your content relies just on the title is a bold claim, right? SEOmoz suggests that you focus much of your effort on this area, concentrating your attention to 7 key qualities: curiosity, benefit, emotion, tangible, appearance, sound and expectation.
Learn more: Are Your Titles Irresistibly Click-Worthy?
3. Remember – search engines find you valuable when readers find you valuable.
Many people think that SEO is the number one reason for creating content – but SEO is best achieved when you provide value to humans and get them to share that content. Putting other goals like understanding customer concerns and developing new business ideas through content will help you create content that is valuable to readers and hence is valuable to search engines.
Learn more: 10 Content Marketing Goals Worth Pursuing
4. Get over it – you’re in the content business.
No matter what industry you’re in, you have to create owned media. With the may that consumers buy nowadays and the way that search engines work, everyone is a content creator.
Learn more: Get Content-Centric, or Get Disrupted in Search and Social
5. Write like a teacher, and consider what types of learners your readers are.
There are four different kinds of learners: Analytical, commonsense, dynamic and innovative.
- Analytic: Like facts and will evaluate how your information compares to other facts and competing claims. 20% of people are analytic.
- Commonsense: Practical and want to know how things work. 20% of people are commonsense learners.
- Dynamic: Look for interesting information, but are more gut learners and teachers. They want this information for themselves and for others. 25% of people are dynamic learners.
- Innovative: Demand reasons why they should learn something. They look for the personal benefit in content. Innovative learners make up the most of people at 35%.
Learn about the different reasons that people process information, how how they process that information. It will help you deliver it more effectively.
Learn more: Develop Irresistible Content With This Four-Point Formula
What interesting content did you read this week? How will you put those lessons into practice? Let us know in the comments.
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