We’ve pushed out Shareaholic v1.6! This release is a major update (hence the jump from v1.4.1 to v1.6), represents months of hard work, and should make a lot of you very happy as it incorporates lots of new features that you have been requesting!
- Shareaholic 1.6 adds support for 10 new services: Bit.ly, Connotea, Google Gmail, Menéame, Plurk, Soup.io, Tipjoy, Twine, We heart it, Yahoo! Buzz
- Improves support for: Delicious, Healthranker, Truemors, Foxiewire
- Fixes a Google Reader render bug, plus adds support for sharing SSL pages!
- A brand new options menu, including support for toggling the context menu and community links on/off
- Adds support for songbird 1.0 and flock 2.0 users
- Lots of improvements to Delicious and Digg stats
- Lots of behind the scenes tweaks
You can get the latest version of Shareaholic from here, or you if you already have Shareaholic just wait for Firefox to automatically notify you of the update.
If you have any suggestions whatsoever for making Shareaholic more useful for yourself, please do let us know. We’re listening!