Shareaholic started its life a little over 9 years ago providing a simple Social Sharing plugin for WordPress sites with just in-page Share Buttons. That’s it. Over the years, Shareaholic has evolved into a powerful, CMS agnostic – acquisition, engagement and monetization solution for content publishers (and online stores) —

what is shareaholic

While our solutions have evolved and expanded greatly — Shareaholic has always had “one-size-fits-all” onboarding to welcome new websites to our service. Upon initial install, every website was setup with the same default settings, tools, same everything.🙈

But… the ground reality is that each website is unique with its own set of needs and goals. As Shareaholic’s toolkit has grown, not all tools are a fit for each website.

For example, if your website is a corporate blog, you likely do not want to monetize your website by putting someone else’ ads next to it. You’re more likely to want to advertise your own products on Shareaholic’s Native Ads platform or integrate our Content Recommendations solution to boost visitor engagement.

In this day and age, the onboarding flow could needs to be better, much better… more personalized to match you and your goals with the right Shareaholic tools.

🥁 ~~drum roll~~ 🥁

Today, out of beta, we’re pleased to roll out our new Shareaholic onboarding experience with personalized paths anchored to what you tell us your website’s goals and needs are! 🎉

When you add a new website in your Shareaholic dashboard (or install one of our plugins), you’ll be asked two simple, but very powerful multiple choice questions:

How can Shareaholic help your website

…based on your answers, your Shareaholic journey and Site Profile Settings will automatically personalize to match your goals. No more one-size-fits-all! 🤗

This update is a direct result of your feedback. Thank you for making us better and please keep the feedback coming!

The information published on this blog is free for your use with appropriate attribution to Shareaholic. We welcome your feedback, suggestions, and questions. Please contact us. Additionally, all photos that appear on this site are copyrighted by their respective owners. If you own the rights to any of the images and do not wish for them to appear here please contact us and the images will be promptly removed.

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