Even if you’re already blogging every day, it can be relatively easy to stop posting for a while. Maybe you have a stressful week or two at work, a family emergency or just a lack of inspiration, but before you know it, days and weeks quickly pass without a post. All of a sudden you’re six months out from your last post and you feel lost—how are you supposed to start your blog back up after months out of the game?
Starting to blog again after an extended vacation doesn’t have to be a guilt-filled experience. Follow these steps to get back in the saddle in no time:
1. Get Inspired and Motivated.
One of the biggest barriers to getting back into blogging is that you may feel uninspired. Maybe you ran out of post ideas or hate the ones you already have—either way, something needs to change.
To start feeling inspired about your blog again, put yourself in situations where you think of your best ideas. For example, my best ideas come from running after I hit the 2-mile mark, so I try to go for a long run whenever I’m feeling uninspired to help jumpstart my creativity. You don’t have to run—maybe you feel inspired reading other people’s blog posts, knitting or cooking—just find an activity that gets you thinking creatively and do it over and over.
But inspiring ideas can only take you so far—you might need some peer pressure to motivate you to post every day. A great way to get motivated is to connect with others to accomplish your blogging goal. For example, you can join up with other bloggers in National Blog Posting Month, where bloggers all over the world band together to post every day in November. This support system will not only keep you accountable for your blog posts, but you may find some incredible content from others to inspire your writing.
2. Jump Right Into It—No Apologies Necessary.
After you’ve come up with a fabulous new idea for a blog post, jump headfirst into creating your post. The less time you have between thinking of the idea and implementing it, the better. It’s okay to be impulsive—if you think of a good idea, just start writing. Your first post back doesn’t have to be perfect. Get over the hurdle of posting on your blog again and then worry about perfecting your future blog posts. The key is to not lose your excitement from the first step.
The only no-no for writing your first post is that you shouldn’t apologize for taking some time off your blog. It’s absolutely fine to acknowledge that you haven’t posted in a while, but don’t feel pressured to grovel for forgiveness for your lack of writing. You can’t change the past months without posts, so try to focus on the future of your blog—your readers want to join in your excitement rather than wallow in your guilt.
3. Set a Schedule to Stay Consistent.
Once you get your first post up on your blog, try to set your blog schedule with an editorial calendar. Use the editorial calendar to organize your freshly created blog post ideas and set your expectations for how often you plan on posting. Unless you’re joining a campaign like National Blog Posting Month with the support of other bloggers or you have previous experience with daily blogging, I’d suggest trying to post 1-3 times a week when you’re starting up.
By setting a schedule for your posts, you’ll be less likely to lapse into a prolonged break again. You can even go a step further and send yourself a calendar invite to set aside time each day to blog—getting into a routine will also help you stay on track with your blog.
4. Use Your Metrics to Keep You Accountable.
Besides creating an editorial calendar, you’ll want to set firm goals for yourself so you don’t slip back into blogging silence. Maybe you want to start monetizing your site with ads, form relationships with other bloggers or get the attention of a company for sponsorship—whatever your goals, make sure there are ways to measure their success through your analytics.
After a few weeks of working toward your goals, check in with your content analytics to see how well you are doing on reaching those goals. Do you have the pageviews necessary to start bringing in ad revenue? How much traffic did your blog get from Twitter after you participated in that Twitter chat? Should you be posting more or less often? By setting these goals and following up with them in your analytics, you’ll be able to make blogging part of your life again.
Have you started your blog up again after a hiatus? Share your tips with us in the comments below!
Get back into blogging by joining up with Shareaholic for National Blog Posting Month! You’ll get motivational emails in your inbox, two Twitter chats, and a chance to win a Shareaholic t shirt.