Coupon blog True Couponing began out of publishers Kati Kiefer’s and Melisha Kreppein’s own efforts to save their families money. Now, they publish daily savings for their readers on a whole host of products – from Kashi snacks to Red Lobster. Learn how what keeps these ladies inspired to keep blogging with their tips.
Why did you start your blog?
Both of our families had fallen on hard times and tight budgets. The coupon methods and deals we were finding were saving our families hundreds of dollars every month. We simply had to share it. We started by telling our friends, holding small workshops in our homes and home church. More and more people wanted to learn how to save that much money. A blog was the most efficient way to reach more people. It just grew from there.
How do you come up with blogging ideas?
We primarily post about ways to save money and how to find coupons. There is no shortage of deals out there! We find deals advertised in grocery store weekly ads, drug stores, clothing stores, photo deals, just about anywhere you can imagine to shop.
How do you monetize your site?
You’ll find some ads on our site, but we are very picky about what ads we place. Just because something is advertised as a sale doesn’t make it a good deal. So, any ads we place on our site have to be relevant to our readers and a great deal.
What is your favorite part about blogging?
There are so many families suffering financially right now. We love teaching people to help themselves and others. Our favorite part of blogging is when people email us to let us know how True Couponing has helped their family to the point that they can now afford to pass along a blessing to someone else.
What’s the toughest part of blogging?
Managing our time. We are still working on this! We absolutely love what we do and sometimes it is hard to stop writing for the day and pay attention to the housework. Oh, please don’t come to our homes unannounced!
What are your blogging goals for the future?
We have so many ideas, but we are letting God lead us and trying to be patient. We are adding more store lists and expanding our reach already and hope to continue to do so.
What do you know now about blogging and social media that you wish knew “back then?”
Facebook is huge! We were hesitant to start a business Facebook page a couple of years ago because we didn’t know what kinds of comments it would bring or how hard it would be to manage. However, it has proven to be a great way for our readers to share deals with others. We are now constantly evaluating the newest social media outlet.
What advice do you have for beginners?
Find your passion and go with it. If God put something in your heart that affects your life so strongly, He may just want you to use it to help someone else. That’s the best feeling there is.
What blogging tips did you learn? Let us know in the comments!
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