Our featured website today is the Yahoo! Accessibility Blog. It is an inspirational blog featuring articles on people with disabilities with an eye for assistive technology that is employed to make their daily lives easier.

The blog encompasses a wide range of people from diverse backgrounds with disabilities that have looked beyond impairment to perform something extraordinary. Apart from movie reviews by a blind film critic to paintings by a twenty three year old autistic person, you’ll find mention of some of the most advanced technological marvels that are created to support them.

Some of the most astonishing experiences shared in the blog include dancing for physically challenged people through special wheel chairs, describing images on websites for visually challenged people and research results that improve web accessibility and enhance user-experience for the disabled.

Yahoo’s Accessibility Team say they created this blog with the purpose of reflecting the experiences of individuals with disabilities, their families and the professionals they interact with, and we at Shareaholic are privileged to serve as the preferred sharing partner for a cause we feel strongly for! Also, a special thanks to the team over at Yahoo! for giving us valuable pointers that helped make Shareaholic more accessible for everyone!

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